Nutrition & Child Development 101
Currently, in the United States, one in three children are overweight or obese and 15.8 million children under the age of 18 live in households where they are unable to access enough nutritious food to attain a healthy life. Both obesity and malnutrition greatly affect the quality of life and can put one at risk for many serious health issues as well as developments in life. Besides love and learning, there are two main factors that play a roll in the health of a child's development: nutrition and physical activity. Nutrition and brain function go hand in hand. A child that is well nourished will perform far better in school than one who eats junk food or isn't fed enough food. Therefore, a child whom eats healthy, is physically active, and mentally focused, will make healthier choices and be much more successful in every aspect of life than a child who is either over weight, malnourished, or underdeveloped academically. This was what determined T1 Sports Academy to come to the conclusion that just training simply wasn't going to cut it. By merging together a group of talented professionals whom have a passion in their field and a heart for helping the youth, something truly unique and like none other was born. The Team includes top notch athletic training program, mind powering mentorship and character development, study halls for excelling in academics, as well as custom nutrition plans to fuel the mind and body. T1 works as one teaching the fundamentals of life, good sportsmanship and teamwork both on and off the field, as well as healthy eating habits for both athletic and academic performance. Every program offered is specifically designed for the athletes individual needs. Our goal is to get the youth healthy physically and mentally so we can set up a brighter future and pass it on for generations to come.